Healthy & Delicious

Superfood meets with
Tropical Juice


Loaded with Fibers

Chia seeds are impressively high in fiber. Fiber is excellent for gut health.


Great for Bones

Chia seeds are high in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and protein. All of these nutrients are essential for bone health.


Perfect Protein Source

Chia seeds are a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids that cannot be made by the body


Rich in Omega-3 Acids

Chia seeds are very high in the omega-3 fatty acid ALA.


Antioxidant Effect

Chia seeds are high in antioxidants that help protect the delicate fats in the seeds. They also have various benefits for health.


Variety of Minerals

Chia seeds are good source of essential minerals including iron, calcium, magnesium and zinc. 

Dr. Chia

Dr. Chia Drinks

Amazing flavors with a touch of real fruit juices featuring real, healthy Chia seeds.

Chia seeds have a reputation for being a “superfood” and for a good reason. They may be tiny, but they pack a wallop of nutritional punch.

Just 1 spoon full of chia seeds, that’s five ounces to be precise has just 69 calories but boasts five grams of fibers, four grams of fat, and two grams of protein.

You can find a lot of foods that are high in fiber and fat, but chia seeds have these benefits in a very small package, I think that’s what makes it super.

The health benefits of chia seeds aren’t exactly new, in fact, people have been eating for more than 500 years.

Originally from Mexico and Guatemala, chia is also known as Salvia hispanica; a member of the mint family was used by Aztecs and Mayans.

From meals to medicines to cosmetics, these tiny seeds are as versatile as healthy.

28 Different Rich Flavors in Different Sizes:
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Different Bottles, Different Styles

Dr. Chia drinks is a trademark of London Juice Company.

Global distribution rights belongs to ANC Group Ltd.